Student seminar on IEEE as Global Student Engagement Professional Platform

Student seminar on IEEE as Global Student Engagement Professional Platform was held in Qafqaz University in December 17, 2011 organized by IEEE Azerbaijan Joint Chapter. Students, faculty, young scientists and engineers from many Azerbaijani universities and industry took part in the meeting. The main purpose of meeting was to inform students about IEEE Membership Benefits and Opportunities, especially Exclusive benefits for students, as well as to invite them to become a student member of IEEE. Some of benefits:
- IEEE Student Competitions - IEEE membership allows you to compete against your peers and have fun simultaneously
- IEEE members gain exclusive access to the latest and best research, news, television programs, and educational resources needed to expand their expertise and stay current.
- As an IEEE member, you are part of the world’s largest community of technology professionals.
- IEEE members can achieve more of what matters in your life and career through IEEE student programs
Meeting was concluded by a cocktail reception.

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