External Quality Assurance expert of Ministry of Education visited Qafqaz University.

26 December, 2011
Pratt Institute Executive Director of Strategic Planning Dr. Vladimir Briller together with expert for higher education visited Qafqaz University.  The Meeting was launched with the general information about university. General information followed questions and answer session about university governance specifically assignment process of top administration, financial decision making, curricular reforms. Dr.Briller mentioned general improvement of universities from the governance point of view. As external expert based on his previous experience now universities are having common issues rather than individual. Another important point that Dr. Briller enunciated that if the universities want to succeed with modern education they need to take into consideration labor market needs and current trends while designing curriculum. Experts mention importance of curricular competence and expressed potential of Azerbaijan higher education institution. As an example Dr. Briller talked about World class universities and the reasons why those universities are best. Reason is they have best academic staff, best students, best governance and best technical support.

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