Professor Jorjani from California State University provided a workshop to MBA students of Qafqaz University

On December 17, Dr. Soheila Jorjani – a professor of Operations Research delivered a workshop to MBA students of Qafqaz University. Adiljan Abdurazzak – a senior lecturer of Operations Management at the MBA Program of Qafqaz University and Dr. Jorjani  met with MBA students for three hours during which students enriched their knowledge of quantitative tools of forecasting in a business setting.
Dr. Jorjani, who also works as the Director of MBA Programs at California State University mentioned that she was impressed by the analytical abilities of Qafqaz University MBA students. Senior Lecturer Adiljan Abdurazzak and Dr. Jorjani also discussed partnership opportunities to improve the practical business skills of undergraduate students of Qafqaz University. Possible joint projects were also discussed to involve members of Qafqaz Business Forum – a newly launched student organization for talented students of Qafqaz University with interest to broaden their business skills - in business management processes through internship opportunities and field trips.

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