The Club of Industrial Engineering launches series of seminars

Functioning under the Department of Culture, Club of Industrial Engineering launched series of seminars devoted to various problems of industrial organization and management. Seminars and workshops will be held every Saturday with the support of Caspian Engineers Society and participation of well known local and foreign experts of industrial organization and management. The first event of the seminar series was organized on December 17 at Qafqaz University with the support of Caspian Engineers Society. The event targeted to support students of engineering faculties both from QU and from other higher education institutions. The first seminar was launched with the opening report of Mr. Farid Abbasov associate of the Scientific-Research Project Institute of SOCAR on the topic of “Engineers and their role in the projects.”
The next workshop of the seminar series will be held in the second half of 2011-2012 academic year.

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