Qafqaz University together with National Aviation Academy hold a scientific practical seminar.

On 15th of February Qafqaz  University  together with National Aviation Academy (NAA) hold a scientific practical seminar. 
 According to the information given from Qafqaz University, seminar took place at NAA more than 100 academic staff of both institution took part in event.
Vice rector for the education of the NAA professor Adalat Samadov and vice rector of Qafqaz University for education professor Cihan Bulut emphasized the importance of the event. Key speakers asserted fast growing economy of Azerbaijan and the importance of higher educational institutions research of modern economic trends. 
Consequently the chairman of the Selcuk University foundation on the transfer of the Turkey's experience to the Azerbaijani higher education institutions professor Ibrahim Arslan and chairman of the recto-rate professor Oghuz Erbashi spoke about the activities of the " Turkish Republic university foundations" and " Internal Monitoring of the higher educational institution in Turkey". For the continuation of the event questioning session started. Finally professor Adalat Samadov thanked guest and emphasized the importance continuation of such kind of event in the future.

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