Qafqaz University has applied for the IISRC Consortium membership.

Scientific Conference on International Information Security has started its work in Changsha, China in 25 October and continue till 27 October. Representatives of many countries including Russia, United States, China, United Kingdom, Canada, etc. have came together to discuss existing Information Security Problems and try to find joint decisions acceptable for all sides.

Representatives of all participating countries show their concern about increasing cyber treats in Internet environment. All participants express understanding that regardless to technological and economical development no country alone can succeed in the war against cyber crime. It's why International Information Security Research Consortium (IISRC) is trying to convince more countries to join to convention on International Information Security. Actually, any organization actively using cyberspace and concern about its security may apply for IISRC Consortium membership. Like so, during conference the application of world leading global online payment company PayPal was reviewed and accepted as a member of IISRC Consortium. Qafqaz University were represented by Dr. Abzetdin Adamov, Chair of Computer Engineering Department, has officially applied for membership of the consortium and made introductory presentation for consortium members.

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