Pakistani ambassador to visit Qafqaz University

Ambassador of Islamic Republic of Pakistan in Azerbaijan İnayat Ullah Kakar visited the next meeting of “41 +”  club which is formed from distinguished students of International Relations and European Studies departments held on 11.10.2011.
The current level of Azerbaijani – Pakistan relations and their future perspectives were discussed during the seminar. Besides last developments going on in the Middle East and other parts of the world, the structure of the Organization of Islamic Conference and cooperation in the framework of the mentioned organization were also examined. The most interesting point for the students was the similarities drew by Mr Kakar from the comparison of frozen conflicts - Nagorono Karabakh and Kashmir issues.
After the seminar Mr Kakar got acquainted with the university and expressed his gratification due to high level of education and professionalism at the Qafqaz University.
Dr. Rövşən İbrahimov

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