AICT2011 International Conference concluded its work by Closing Ceremony at the Qafqaz University

The 5th International Conference on "Application of Information and Communication Technologies AICT2011" has ended. We extend our sincere gratitude and appreciation to all attendees and presenters, for their invaluable contributions in making this event a great success.
 We hope the past three days have been fruitful and that all attendees were able to make the most from the technical sessions. Wide range of keynote speeches, tutorials,  and discussions, were presented with new ways to deal with some of the challenges in Application of ICT. We hope that each participant shared his experiences and expertise with other participants from near and far, and that a cordial relationship etablished among all attendees during the AICT2011 Conference will futher strengthen.
 Through this Conference we have seen that the Application of ICT is vital for business, community and governments. The Application of ICT is the staff of effectiveness, the essential input and requirement of new digital century. We are sure, the lessons learnt during Conference will equip us to respond to the complexity of technical, technological and organizational challenges in the way of making our organizations compatible to requirements of ICT penetrition in the digital era.
On behalf the AICT2011 Conference Chairs and Co-chairs, Co-organizing Bodies and the rest of the Conference team and all Qafqaz University staff we owe much to our distinguished speakers and all participants and presenters who have taken time out of busy schedules to share their experience with us those days. For some of us, this has been an opportunity to meet with our old friends, for others, an opportunity to make new friends who are working on similar ICT area. We have had a chance to listen to some of the sessions over the past three days and was very pleased with the quality of the discussions that took place.
            The special credit goes to our sponsors Azercell, Akkord Companies Group, Ericsson, Microsoft, Sinam, Nurgun Group and DNS Computer, without their support this event wouldn’t take place. We wish them all the success in their work. On behalf of Rector of Qafqaz University and Steering Committee, we express our deep gratitude to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, TIKA - Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency, Baku State University, Institute of Information Technologies of Azerbaijan National Academy of Science, UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education, Tashkent University of Information Technologies for their deep contribution and support.
            We also express our gratitude to all members of the Organizing Committee and all staff of Qafqaz University extending exceptional hospitality to the delegates and maintaining high standards of arrangement for various events of the Conference. We would especially like to thank the rector of Qafqaz University Professor Ahmet Sanic for his unrestricted support during all stages making this Conference success.
            We, at Qafqaz University, look forward to further building partnerships with attendees and their organizations. I hope that all of us will continue what we have started here these days.
Dr. Abzetdin ADAMOV

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