Professors from the Siegen University visited Qafqaz University

06 October, 2011
On September 28 the delegate of academicians and upper level administrative staff members from the University of Siegen – Germany made a visit to Qafqaz University. The primary goal of the visit was to initiate the mutual collaboration on the forthcoming TEMPUS grant application process, enhance ongoing student and staff exchange partnership, and expand summer school and internship programs between Qafqaz University and the University of Siegen. The rector of the university, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Sanic, greeted the guests personally and stressed the importance of valuable partnership and trust which is a product of a long term joint effort of both institutions. Following the discussion on impending proposals and exchange of ideas the vice-rector for International Affairs Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rovshan Ibrahimov had a secondary meeting with the guests where the details, road map and implementation schedule of the future actions were drawn. The rector and vice-rector of the university accompanied guests during a short trip of the university campus where they visited newly established 2G, 3G, 4G laboratory of AZERCELL, Chemistry Laboratories of BP Azerbaijan, Information Communication Center and other facilities.

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