Civil Law Research Center under the Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan and Qafqaz University held a seminar

24 January, 2012
According to AzerTAc judges, expert-lawyers and deputies had participated in the seminar. The seminar of "Social Rights Located in the Constituion of Azerbaijan Republic" was opened by judge of the Constitutional Court Mr. Jeyhun Garachayev. In his speech he has indicated that under the leadership of national leader Heydar Aliyev rapid development in all areas including the economic and citizens' social rights as basis to fundamentals for the protection were created by the state. The first democratic constitution accepted by people on 12 November 1995, which was initiated by the national leader; number of items were reflected for the protection of the social rights of the citizens. Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev successfully carried out the social programs which aimed to provide Constitutional rights for citizens.

Cihan Bulut, pro-Rector of Qafqaz University has said that the improved legal framework contributes to the rapid development of Azerbaijan.

Then the judges and experts has spoken about the the protection of social rights of the citizens by the constitution. Also the decisions of the Constitutional Court as well as the decisions adopted by the European Court of Human Rights were evaluated along with international experience in the field.

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