The university entrance testing process to the Higher Educational Institutions is implemented by the State Students Admission Commission through the centralized examination system. In this year’s entrance examination only 4 applicants answered correctly to all 125 test questions and achieved the top highest score of 700. All of these 4 candidates were the students who applied to specialty group I. Hence, the question of “which Higher Education Institutions these top students intend to chose in order to achieve their higher education” is in the center of attention. According to the information that we have obtained all these 4 students chose Qafqaz University. It is also significant to note that 4 of the 7 students who also achieved the top highest score of 700 last year chose Qafqaz University as well.
This year, all students admitted to Higher Education Institutions with the top entrance examination scores are the graduates of education institutions under the Department of Education of Baku city. In other words, Ali Aliyev (“Zakalar” Lyceum No: 287), Khaver Fayzullayeva (High School No: 299), Laman Mammadova (High School No: 169), and Jahandar Jamalli (High School No: 263) are the graduates of the above mentioned education institutions.
Thus, in order to understand the reason why these bright individuals who intend to get the best possible education and build strong future chose Qafqaz University and to perceive what peculiar characteristics of this institution attracts their interest it was necessary for us to conduct a research. It was also our first question which we asked the rector of the university Prof. Dr. Ahmet Sanic. “Why candidates with the top highest score prefer Qafqaz University but not State Higher Education Institutions?” According to Ahmet Sanic the reason is high quality education that students acquire during their learning period. “Our alumni are our advertisement. Up to now, none of our graduate is unemployed. When applying for a job the graduates of Qafqaz University are immediately accepted. The transparency of the education system at Qafqaz University – similar to the Higher Education Institutions in England, United States or Turkey – provides students with the flexibility to control their education and to pass the courses on their will. Due to this reason, students are more confident in managing their knowledge and stepping forward for a long learning journey. As a result, university produces skilled and educated specialists which serve them as the basis to gain confidence at their workplaces. I trust my students and teachers very much. Most of our teachers are either graduates of foreign universities or experts who have worked abroad. In addition, the majority of our teachers attended training courses and academic development programs abroad. Therefore, students who want to get the education of high quality choose Qafqaz University and we accept them as much as we can (Musavat).
It is also necessary to highlight that Qafqaz provides the opportunities for its students to acquire education and gain experience abroad. The university put into process dual-degree programs in cooperation with numerous foreign Higher Education Institutions. Students are eligible to get dual diplomas by completing some part of their education in recognized universities of England and the United States. Currently, the university cooperates with the Higher Education Institutions of 35 different countries, whereas its graduates work in 46 different countries. During the brief meeting with the university it became apparent that the condition where students get their education is perfect. All classrooms are equipped with computers, electronic devices and other necessary equipments. Computer laboratories are in the service of the students as well. Regardless of their specialty all university students are trained in order to effectively use computer technology and taught basic and professional user skills of up to date computer software. The rector of the university stresses that the university has very modern and up to date technology: “We are trying to bring any modern technology or laboratories to the university both from Turkey or any other part of the world. We have modern equipments.” In addition, the university also initiated laboratories with the help of various local companies. For instance, the modern 2G, 3G, 4G laboratory of chemical engineering and telecommunication, the laboratory of information technology and robotics, etc. can be some examples to demonstrate. There are more than 65000 books in the depository of university library. University library purchases books mainly from Turkey, Europe and United States (Musavat).

Students with the top score of 700
These 4 individuals who has achieved the top score of 700 and won the name of the “student” have become the leaders of the specialty group I and overall candidates. We present the short stories about these young winners to our readers.
Mammadova Laman
Laman was born on November 27, 1993. In 2000 she was accepted to the Sabunchu District High School No: 169 named after N. Rzayev. In 2011, she graduated from the school with all “excellent” grades. During her study at the school she was actively participating in all social events. She also participated in essay competitions and school Olympiad and was nominated with complimentary diplomas. At the last year of the high school, 11th grade, she was nominated to the first place of the Mathematics Olympiad held among high schools in Baku. In 2011, at the university entrance examination specialty group I, she demonstrated the true professional knowledge and achieved highest achievable score of 700. Laman will continue her education, at Qafqaz University, in the sphere of Information Technology and System Engineering.
As our guest Laman Mammadova shared her happiness and joy with us:
-       Starting from early childhood I was motivated to study hard. My father is an engineer and my mother Khatira Alibayova is a teacher of mathematics. The effort and investment of my parents in my success is undeniable. Hence, I am deeply grateful for the conditions and moral support that my parents created for me to achieve this success. I would also like to express my deep gratitude to my elementary school teacher Guljannat, chemistry teacher Durdana, mathematics teacher Gulshan, physics teacher Yegana, English Language teacher Solmaz, Azerbaijan Language teacher Arifa, and of course the director of our school Mrs. Elnara.
-       My greatest wish is to graduate from Qafqaz University with the best grades, get accepted to one of the most prestigious universities of the United States, return to Azerbaijan as an experienced specialist, and serve my people.
We also wish Laman success in accomplishing her dreams (Azerbaijan Muallimi).
Laman Mammadova especially highlighted the role and advice of her teachers and parents in choosing Qafqaz University: “In other words everybody who I asked help to choose the university said Qafqaz Univeristy. Of course, it was also my choice.” It should be noted that, Laman such as Ali will gain the knowledge and secrets of Information Technology and System Engineering. By correlating her decision of choosing Qafqaz University with the high quality education Laman expressed that the main purpose of the university is not to provide students with the diploma but knowledge: “In this sense, it is pride to be the student of Qafqaz University.” Getting her future education abroad is the main goal and dream of Laman (Zaman).
Jamalli Jahandar
Jahandar was born on July 22, 1994 in Nakhchivan, Chomakhtur village. In 1997, together with his parents he moved to Baku. He started his first year of school in 2000 Baku Khatai district High School No: 263. During his school years he rarely participated in school competitions and Olympiad. But his grades for the specialty group which he was studying for were “excellent” while some of other grades were “good”. His main goal was to get the high score from university entrance examinations and pilot examinations, conducted by SSAC. His score from most recent test examination was 663. Jahandar noted that he was making more trivial mistakes during pilot exams. He admitted that he tried to prevent these trivial mistakes in university entrance examination. Even I was a little anxious after answering all 125 questions my anxiety has disappeared. I was very confident and sure that I will get highest result.
One of the main reasons which pushed me to get the top score of 700 was continues support of my parents. Even though, few days ago Sabanci University offered students with the score of 700 an opportunity of tuition free education Jahandar still considers continuing his future education in Azerbaijan. Jahandar chose Computer Engineering track.
In the first place he expressed his deep gratitude to his parents due to necessary conditions created by them which was required to achieve success. At the same time, he thanks the deputy director of the school Mrs. Nargiz, class teacher Mrs. Sudabe, physics teacher Mrs. Elmira, chemistry teacher Mrs. Ulduza and other teaching staff of the school.
The greatest dream of Jahandar is to continue his education abroad, to gain profound experience in his specialty, and to serve independent Azerbaijan as a loyal citizen (Azerbaijan Muallimi).
Jahandar relates 80-90 percent of his success to the great effort of Araz preparation courses. He noted that prior to joining Araz preparation courses he scored 300-350 in pilot university examination tests. But after joining preparation courses his score doubled and he got 680 from most recent pilot examination held by preparatory course. In addition, he scored 663 from the last pilot university examination held by SSAC.
Jahandar Jamalli chose the specialty of Computer Engineering as well. Even though he is sure to continue his future education abroad he has not decided where to go. “Some of the countries that I consider are United States and England.” He explains the reason why he chose Qafqaz University as the intensive student-teacher relations (Shark Newspaper).
Fayzullayeva Khaver
Khaver was born on February 2, 1994 in Baku city. She was admitted to the first grade of Baku city High School No: 299 in 2000. During her school years Khaver was recognized as a gifted student to her profound knowledge and skills. She actively participated in all social events of the school.
When she graduated the high school in 2011 she had only one “4” grade in her transcript. In the 10th and 11th grades she scored more than 600 in the pilot university entrance examinations held by SSAC. According to Khaver her recent score for pilot examination was 690.
She answered all examination questions correctly, in specialty group I, scored 700 and was accepted to Chemical Engineering major at Qafqaz University. Khaver expresses deep gratitude to her parents especially her mother Saadat for her psychological support.
She would also like to thank her high school teachers Mrs. Reyhan and Kizkhanim, her elementary school teacher Mrs. Balli, the staff members of ARAZ preparation courses who helped her to prepare for university examination, and Mr. Ulvi and Mrs. Jahana who all together contributed to her success.
Thanks to favorable economic conditions and opportunities established under the leadership of HE President of Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev students are encouraged to study harder. Therefore, the greatest dream of Khaver is to continue her further education in one of the prominent foreign universities and serve better her country. We wish her success in realizing established  life goals (Azerbaijan Muallimi).
When we asked Khaver the reason why she chose Qafqaz University Chemistry Engineering faculty she smiled and joked and said that “Nowadays everybody mentions Qafqaz”. “I would also like to stress that Qafqaz University is distinguished not only due to its internationally recognized education system or the qualified experts prepared by the university who meets the requirements of modern scientific and technological developments but also differs due to its distinct graduates who love their country and loyal to national values.” Mrs. Khaver emphasized the role of ARAZ preparation courses in her great success: “In my opinion it is impossible to get the perfect results only with the help of high school preparation program.” She sent the message for those who prepare for university entrance examination with the help of private tutors: “Instead of hiring 5 private tutors in order to prepare for university examination choosing ARAZ preparation courses is profitable both in terms of money and time” (Zaman).
Ali Aliyev
Ali was born in Neftchala region in 1993. His father is an engineer and mother Mrs. Saat is a housewife. Ali’s family moved to Baku the year he was born. In 2000, he was accepted to Baku city English Language Oriented High School No: 27. Later in 2008 he continued his education at “Zakalar” High School No: 287 which he explains as a main cause of his success. He often actively participated in Mathematics Olympiad and tested his knowledge. In the 9th and 11th grades he participated at the pilot examinations held by ARAZ preparation courses and held 2nd and 3rd places. While in 10th grade he participated in the 3rd Mathematics Olympic Games held by Qafqaz University and was among 30 distinctive students. In 2011 at the 11th grade he participated in Baku city Mathematics Olympiad where he was nominated 1st in Baku city, and 4th in whole Azerbaijan. This year he won the first place in specialty group I in the Olympiad held by Khazar University. In addition, he took part in the intellectual television games such as “Virtual ring”, “Khamsa”, and “Agil daryasi”. Being the winner of the second place and finalist of the television game “Agil daryasi”, Ali was granted with exam free graduation diploma and was offered tuition free education at the University of Northern Cyprus. The Minister of the Education Misir Mardanov presented the graduation diploma to Ali himself.

Ali answered correctly all 125 questions at the university entrance examination and scored 700. He chose Qafqaz University Department of Information Technology and System Engineering as he desired. His future goal is to continue his education either in Western Europe or United States.

Ali Aliyev named three factors which contributed to his success. These are support of his parents, expertise of his teachers and personal effort. He especially thanks his elementary school teacher Mrs. Elmira Naghiyeva, mathematics teacher Mr. Rafail, physics teacher Mr. Shamkhal, chemistry teacher Mr. Atlas, Azerbaijan Language teacher Mrs. Salminaz, English Language teacher Mrs. Amaliya, History teacher Mr. Abbasagha, and the director of the school Mrs. Aygun.

When Ali was asked the question of “Why Qafqaz” he explained his choice by denoting Qafqaz University as the top private Higher Education Institution in the university rating system. According to his words Qafqaz University is distinct with its strong discipline. “Even when I was considering which university to chose and implementing the “intelligence research” I witnessed it myself once again. In addition the strong ties of Qafqaz University and cooperation with various international universities boosted my interest to this institution. In other words I am one hundred percent sure that I made a right decision.”

August 2011
(Information compiled from the newspapers such as Zaman, Sark, Musavat, Azerbaijan Muallimi)

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