3 Higher Education Institutions of Azerbaijan are among the best 700 universities of the world.

Baku September 13 (AzerTac). Baku State University, Khazar and Qafqaz University of the Azerbaijan Republic are included in the ranking list of top 700 top world universities.
AzerTac reports that, according to "QS World University Rankings-2011" Baku State University, Khazar and Qafqaz University are among top 700 best universities of the world. QS collected and analyzed information about 2919 different world higher education institutions and as a result 712 of them were included in the ranking list. This year, the list of the best education institutions of the world was updated with 80 newly included universities. 18 of them are higher education institutions located at Central Europe and post Soviet Union. The evaluation process were based on five main criteria: the ratio of academic staff to student number, internationalization of students and academicians, citation indexing, academic prestige and recognition of teaching staff members. 
In the last conference of UNESCO, which was held in Paris this year, it was mentioned that currently there are more than 20 thousand active higher education institutions in the world. Being in the list of 700 best world universities means that all these higher education institutions form top 4 percent of elite universities of the world. QS World University Rankings (organized by Quacquarelli Symons from UK) and ARWU-500 (Academic Ranking of World Universities organized by Shanghai University) are some of the most recognized and respected university ranking systems in the world.

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