Qafqaz University join the Magna Carta

22 September, 2011
On September 16, 2011 in Bologna on a annual conference of universities high representatives, Qafqaz University rector Prof. Dr. Ahmed Sanic signed the Magna Carta of Universities. This document defines the basic fundamental values ​​and principles for the activity of any university which signed this document.
So far, Magna Charta was signed by 700 universities from around the world and every year an increasing number of universities around the world committed to the principles set forth in the Magna Carta. On the 23rd conference along with universities from France, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Palestine,Turkey and Ukraine, Qafqaz University is also joined to the responsibilities shown in the charter. During the conference held in Bologna, were also discussed current threats and opportunities, the level of academic freedom and institutional autonomy in the context of accreditation, quality assurance and rating of universities.

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