Successful excursion to “SOCAR Tower”

Successful excursion to "SOCAR Tower" 
On 15 September 2011 Caspian Engineers Society ( CES) was organized excursion to SOCAR Tower’s construction field. Firstly, experts from SOCAR, Tekfen, Heerim Architects & Planners Co companies gave a presentation about general information of Tower to students. It’s been presented that design of the SOCAR building is being firstly used in the region which is the composition of “fire” and “wind”. This includes Damper system, Automatic Facade Cleaning system, Twin Elevator system, etc. Explanations about each system were given by specialists separately. After presentation, questions of students were answered by the presenters.
Successful excursion to "SOCAR Tower"
Then excursion was carried out to the construction area of building. Students got familiar with the modern technologies implemented in this project, provided information about the working principles of each machine under direction of expert engineers, it’s indicated that equipments in use made in Germany with application of latest technology, that mainly for eliminating problems  of piling drilling device.
Approximately, 40 students from local and foreign universities, such as Khazar, Qafqaz, Azerbaijan Technical University, METU attended the excursion with interest. Also young engineers from different companies and experts from SOCAR took part in this excursion.

Successful excursion to "SOCAR Tower" Successful excursion to "SOCAR Tower"
Successful excursion to "SOCAR Tower" Successful excursion to "SOCAR Tower"
Successful excursion to "SOCAR Tower" Successful excursion to "SOCAR Tower"
Successful excursion to "SOCAR Tower" Successful excursion to "SOCAR Tower"
Successful excursion to "SOCAR Tower" Successful excursion to "SOCAR Tower"
Successful excursion to "SOCAR Tower" Successful excursion to "SOCAR Tower"
Successful excursion to "SOCAR Tower" Successful excursion to "SOCAR Tower"
Successful excursion to "SOCAR Tower" Successful excursion to "SOCAR Tower"
Successful excursion to "SOCAR Tower" Successful excursion to "SOCAR Tower"
Successful excursion to "SOCAR Tower" Successful excursion to "SOCAR Tower"

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