Winners of All-Republican Olympic Games on computer science defined in Azerbaijan

Baku, Fineko/ The final round of the All-Republican Olympic Games on computer science has taken place at the Institute of Information Technologies of NASA.
The Ministry of Communications & Information Technologies reports that as a result, Caucasus University - “Qafqaz Shahinleri” has been declared the winner among 13 teams which have taken part in the final and teams of Baku State University “INF 14” and “ENG 1” have occupied 2nd and 3rd places accordingly.
“13 teams have taken part in the first selection round who have typed 30% from all points. The school teams have taken part in the Olympic Games hors concours and in this connection having shown good results, nevertheless, have not occupied prize-winning places. «Oil School 1» occupied the first place among these teams,” it was informed.
The Olympic Games have been organized by the МСIТ, Heydar Aliyev Foundation, the Ministry of Education and Institute of Information Technologies of NASA. 33 teams have taken part in the Olympic Games from 14 educational institutions of the country including 4 teams from regions.
For the first time the All-Republican Olympic Games on computer science among students of higher educational institutions was held last year. 23 teams took part in it, and the team representing Caucasus University became the winner. Participation of 33 teams in this year shows increasing interest to the event, and in general, to information technologies of students of higher educational institutions.

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