This year Qafqaz University has won the following 3 projects as a partner within the framework of the Tempus program

This year Qafqaz University has won the following 3 projects as a partner within the framework of the Tempus program.“Strengthening the Specific Role of Universities as LLL Institutions”
 SSRULLI Structural Reform: The specific objective of e-Link project is to increase HEIs staff’s training through the delivery of a blended course (e-learning + in presence sessions). The course aims at improving the Universities' staff competences in order to make them able to promote the development of relations between HEIs and enterprises, using a ICT for implementing a lifelong learning approach, thereby providing society at large with the chance to combine work and training. A knowledge-based and experiential training will allow HEI’s staff to respond to countries changing demands.“Centre for the Third Age Education” CTAE Structural Reform: The project has an aim of creating "CENTER FOR THE THIRD AGE EDUCATION" in Eastern Partnership countries - Ukraine, Russia and Azerbaijan.“Curriculum reform and modernization of ecology engineering based on nanotechnology” ECONANO Curricular Reform: Master curricular improvement in the sphere of Ecology Engineering.

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