Constitutional Court held a meeting with members of International Scientific Conference

Constitutional Court held a meeting with members of International Scientific Conference

As you know, “Azerbaijan 2020: vision” International Scientific Conference was  held at the Constitutional Court on December 2ndscientists from institutions of Philosophy and Sociology and Law of ANSA (Azerbaijan National Scientific Academy), Qafqaz University, Turkish universities of Melikshah, Fatih, and Kocaeli. After the conference, Constitutional court held a meeting with the members of the International conference.According to Azer.TAc, chairman of the meeting Ferhad Abdullayev informed the guests about the activities of the Constitutional Court, which was established in 1998. He noted that, the Constitutional Court was established by national leader Heydar Aliyev. He said that, Ilham Aliyev pays special attention to the development of civil society in the country, as Heydar Aliyev did. The chairman emphasized the theoretical and practical importance of the international scientific conference on “Azerbaijan 2020: vision into the future. Effective Protection of Human Rights Within the Context of Development Concept”. He said that many important issues related to human rights protection were discussed in the program. The chairman of the Constitutional Court who noted the speedy development of Azerbaijan mentioned that human rights protection must be an integral part of this development.F. Abdullayev underlined that Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan pays special attention to the development of international relations and said that the organization takes into consideration the experience of other countries as well as international rights organizations.

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