Qafqaz University hosts US delegation

Qafqaz University, a private university based in Azerbaijan's capital Baku, on May 27 received a US delegation which is on a visit to Azerbaijan to participate at the "U.S.-Azerbaijan: Vision for the future" forum.
The US delegation included more than 200 members, in particular, public figures, senators, state representatives, and principals of numerous US universities.
Opening the event, Qafqaz University principal, Prof. Ahmet Sanich provided detailed information about the history and activity of the university and its future plans.
Later, the members of the US delegation were presented a short video about the academic programs of the Qafqaz University.
During the event, the US delegation members shared their impressions about Azerbaijan and noted that they were amazed by the hospitality of the Azerbaijani people and the beauty of Baku, and impressed by the economic development of Azerbaijan.
In conclusion of the event, the US delegation made a tour to the campus of Qafqaz University. The visitors said they were impressed by the conditions provided for students at the university.
Qafqaz University was founded in 1993. The education system and programs of Turkish and Western universities are taken as a model in preparing its curriculums. The main goal of the university is to provide students with higher education that meets international standards and play an active role in fostering excellence, cooperation and interaction with international academic milieu.

 Aynur Jafarova

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