About QU

Qafqaz University was founded in 1993, by decree of the Azerbaijani Republic’s National Assembly and approval by the Cabinet of Ministers. Following the independence of Azerbaijan Republic and the establishment of Qafqaz University, Turkish businessmen and  commercial interests  began  their voluntary contributions to the educational services of Qafqaz University  through Cag Educational Corp. Qafqaz University was the first and continues to be the only prominent and prestigious foreign private university active in Azerbaijan.

Mission Statement

“To provide students with the utmost level of distinctive higher education that meets international standards, infuse them with enthusiasm to continuously reach new horizons, endorse and encourage respect and insight in students for national and universal human values, and to play an active role in fostering excellence, cooperation, and interaction with international academic and business milieu.”

To these ends, Qafqaz University acts as a mediator and educational bridge between Turkish and Azerbaijan governments combining law experience, administrative and technical knowledge of Turkey and positive features of unique and entirely different political and administrative background of Azerbaijan. We strive to expand knowledge, advance individual of our students, open their minds, enhance independent thinking, and enable students to take best advantage. Learning opportunities at Qafqaz University should liberate domestic and international students to explore, seek, develop, create, challenge, and lead. With its dedication to the pursuit of excellence Qafqaz University offers unique opportunities across a broad spectrum of academic, research and social environments.

Until 2003-2004 Qafqaz University was temporarily operating in two service buildings. However, rocketing number of students (local and international), scholars and researchers; grant programs urging the utilization of the new facilities and research laboratories, etc. were some of the cornerstones calling for the establishment of a new Campus area, as previous facilities were not ample enough to protract these goals and objectives.
Therefore, by collaborating with the Azerbaijan authorities and relevant officials, provided with crucial effort of late President Haydar Aliyev, university was granted The Khirdalan Campus as a new area of operation. Academic year of 2003-2004 was a year with a new location and premises for Qafqaz University. The total area of the new campus comprises 10500 square meters. This spatial factor of relocation was one of the major contributory incentives that motivated the university and administration to make significant progress since the relocation. Consequently, the number of the departments doubled and reached twenty, student number increased significantly up to 2700, etc. Local and international male and female students were provided with a dormitory buildings and facilities in 2005-2006. In addition, the Coordinating Unit for Language Teaching was built and given for language preparation use of the first year grade students.

Education System 
Qafqaz University is the first and the only educational institution, authorized by the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan, to have a “Distinguished Status” privilege in applying its own curriculum. Education system and programs of Turkish and western universities are taken as a model in preparing the curriculums. In doing so, education structure of “credit system” was put into practice for the first time in Azerbaijan.
The University offers B.A, M.A., M.Sc., MBA program and doctoral programs.

Top Rated Private University 
According to the State Students Admission Committee, the university was named as the most preferred private university since 1996. Qafqaz University is the leading competitor among the private universities in filling the student quota designated and approved by the Ministry of Education of the Azerbaijan Republic. The journal of State Students Admission Committee states that:
Qafqaz University has acquired the status of leading private university and High Education Institution. The university is unique with its special opportunities, benefits, discounts and educational grants provided to students with distinct academic accomplishments and scores; attention that it shares to all local and international students; and good organizational culture. In addition to the academic discipline, high education standards, and developed student vision Qafqaz University is eager to assist graduates with future career opportunities. As a result of these ongoing incentives, the university has gained a nationwide reputation which attracts brilliant and hardworking students who achieved highest scores in the centralized university entrance examination held nationwide. Four of the seven students, granted with Presidential Scholarships, are enrolled at Qafqaz University.

TOEFL Examinations 
Qafqaz University is the first institution offering TOEFL IBT, and the new generation TOEFL test, thanks to its high speed internet connection.

International Quality Management Certificate 
Qafqaz University is the first Institution of Higher Education awarded the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Certificate in Azerbaijan.

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