"We are trying to compete with the world for the sake of Azerbaijan"

By Aynur Jafarova
Education is the future of the people, their guarantee of life, future, power of the state, one of the key factors that makes us human beings. Development of society is directly linked to the level of children's education. AzerNews has interviewed Dr. Enver Ozeren, the head of Chag Oyretim (Modern Education), a private Turkish company in Baku, which is known for its long-standing experience in the field of education, is making a contribution to the education system of Azerbaijan and has attracted public attention to its achievements.
Q.: Enver bey, it is over 20 years of the activity of Chag. How would you describe 20 years of your work?
A.: The 20th anniversary of our company in Azerbaijan coincides with the restoration of the independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The company Chag started its activities under its motto "Education is the future of the people". When we celebrated the 15th anniversary of our business, we said "15 years of loyalty to the trust." This year marks the 20th anniversary of our partnership with the slogan "Modern Education of Azerbaijan and Chag Oyretim". Over these 20 years, our graduates have graduated top universities of Azerbaijan and the world. Hundreds of people have been prepared adequately to represent Azerbaijan in the country and beyond. Initially, 85-90 percent of teaching staff were teachers who came from Turkey. Now, more than 80 percent of the teaching staff is made up of graduates of Azerbaijani universities. In Araz courses, this figure is 98 percent and in the University of the Caucasus 86-87 percent. We tried to compete with the world for the sake of Azerbaijan.
Q.: Chag participates not only in international competitions, but at the same time provides an Olympiads in our country. How did the idea of the international Olympiads in Azerbaijan?
A.: After Azerbaijan gained its independence, the first time our school made the possibility of participating in the international competition. In the first two years, we have participated in international competitions as observers. And in 1994 year we represented Azerbaijan at the Biology Olympiad, held in Varna, Bulgaria, which together 45 countries
Our students came back with a victory to a country that has only recently gained its independence. They brought two gold and two silver medals. As a result, our experience of participation in the Olympiads began to improve from year to year. The Azerbaijani students have been victorious at many international competitions, bringing 529 medals, 104 of which are gold. This means that they successfully represent Azerbaijan in the world.
Many years of participation at the Olympiads has earned a good experience for both the teaching staff and for our students. We thought that Azerbaijan is an oil country and decided that if we could organize an environmental Olympiads, we will be able to attract the world's attention on Azerbaijan. Based on our many years of experience of participating in international competitions, we decided to hold one international Olympiad in Azerbaijan. We indeed needed financial support to implement such a project. Therefore, we met with the leadership of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR). SOCAR has expressed a positive opinion about this project and became our sponsor. For the first time participants from 17 countries joined the Olympiad INEP-Eurasia. In 2012 we held the sixth Olympiad with the participation of 400 students from 42 countries. At the initiative of the Education Ministry, other secondary schools of Azerbaijan also began to take part in this competition. This year, 292 secondary schools of Azerbaijan joined this project. And that makes us very happy.
Q.: Many people accept the fact that the quality of education in the schools of your company is high enough. What is the secret of this success?
A.: The secret of qualitative education, of course, is first of all in the fact that this work should be done with love. Second, in the process of education it is important to bring to the fore a sense of charity and love, to treat students with warm feelings. There is a phrase: "Share the fine. And there will be more beauty". Just like what we have. Azerbaijan also has experience in the field of education. When we combine these experiences, we achieve greater success.
The ever-increasing success and the National Leader's word, "I always support you and I will always continue to support. You are doing important things for the future of Azerbaijan", and President Ilham Aliyev's words "expand the work done by you" and "you are doing important work for the future of Azerbaijan", as well as approval of our activities by the Azerbaijani people and government
officials requires us to be more responsible. As a result of all above, we succeed.
Q.; What would you advice to Azerbaijani schoolboy: how to build educational life?
A.: Azerbaijan's entry in the free market economy, and Mr. President's words, "oil capital should be turned into human capital," as well as attempts to develop the non-oil sector in Azerbaijan have put forward a single fact to the fore: necessity for the development of skilled, educated workforce, good in all world processes. It is not enough to go to university to become a proficient. Our students need to engage in self-development in their field. Young people who have chosen University of Caucasus and their parents are well aware of the level of education and a disciplined learning system of professors and teaching staff. No matter where you put our graduates, they are regarded as exemplary staff. In his speech at the event on the twentieth anniversary of Chag, President of the Azersun Holding Abdulbari Bey said: "If one day I will think about how to transfer the management of the company to someone, it's sure to be a graduate of the University of the Caucasus." This phrase is felt a call to Azerbaijani pupils and university students.
Q.: As the director of Chag, what you want to see your alumni?
A.: Regardless of where our graduates are, we would like to see them faithful to Azerbaijani nation, statehood and tied to their traditions as individuals. Recently, one of our graduates of 1997 was our guest. He said that he is working in Angola for BP company. I asked him how much he paid for the year of study in high school. "$100," he answered. We all know that in those days it was a paltry sum for the year of study. Thanks to financial assistance of Azerbaijanis and Turks, the monetary expenses are paid. Even now, there are certain discounts for young students in our schools.
Q.: There is the famous triangle in education: the school-student-parent. What is the opinion of Chag on this triangle?
A.: Fruitful learning cannot be achieved unless one of the parties is weak. Students spend half a day at school, and the other half at home. Proper education, education of the child depends on proper coordination between the school and the parent. In this respect, for the fruitful training of a student, a parent in the home plays a role of the teacher in the school.
Q.: There is an idea that whatever modern is a school building, the education cannot efficient without normal relations between teachers and pupils. Do you agree with this statement?
A.: If the relationship between teacher and student is not based on mutual respect, love and sincerity, there cannot a quality education or training. Teachers and students ought to have relationship when a student without the embarrassment could come to the teacher and tell about his/her difficulties and ask for help. The teacher should be happy to student's success and empathize with his grief. We can talk about upbringing and productive education if there is close and sincere relationship between teachers and students.
Q.: Recently, Chag Oyretim held an event called "Modern Azerbaijan and Chag Oyretim - 20
years of loyalty to the trust" in Gulustan palace. Government officials, especially the Minister of Education said many vivid words about your work. It was noted that the Chag can bring Nobel Prize to Azerbaijan. These words are a kind of record of your activities. What plans and projects are awaiting for implementation?
A.: First of all, thank you for such pleasant words about us. These words give us more responsibility. As for future plans, we will continue to serve the trust faithfully. Specifically, our greatest desire is to ensure all our schools with physical facilities: area, building and equipment. But that is not enough. We try to make all the employees of our school staff consisted of Azerbaijanis and soon we will reach this goal.
In addition, our school has to become institution with international status. This is the requirement of time. To date, the world is changing so fast that we have to work very hard to keep up with these changes. Until yesterday, we tried to learn something from the world. And now thanks to these schools, the world is learning something from us and I am sure that after a while the world turn to us to learn more - to bring up model of a literate and moral man.
Since last times, Azerbaijan, being right, could not be heard by the international community. But now, thanks to the efforts of Ilham Aliyev, the follower of the National Leader, all activities of which aim to develop Azerbaijan and ceaseless action of First Lady Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, Azerbaijan is gradually becoming at the center of world attention. On the one hand, Azerbaijan attracts the world's attention to itself, but on the other hand, the world rediscovers Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan presents itself again for its culture, art, science, philosophy, carpets, mugham, sports, a new look at the environment, feeding the intercultural dialogue.
Azerbaijan, converting oil capital in human capital, namely with its new schools, universities, the new model of a man, is being discovered to the world and brings the world to Azerbaijan. For this purpose, one should study a lot, read a lot, apply a lot in a word and work a lot. In this case, Azerbaijan will be stronger. In the world that is moving towards globalization, strong Azerbaijan becomes a guarantor of stability in the region, and thanks to this aspect it becomes the center of the world, peace and tolerance in the region. It is accomplishing by a new man, a new generation. In this respect, it is our most honorable duty, to participate in the great work of President Ilham Aliyev, and be in the ranks of the builders of the new Azerbaijan.

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