Azerbaijani university presents testing centers for computer studies under EU program

29 January, 2013, By Aynur Jafarova

Qafqaz University, a private university in Azerbaijan's capital Baku, hosted the presentation ceremony for the Creation of National Testing Centers in the field of computer studies on Monday.
Vice principal Cihan Bulut, who opened the ceremony, said this is the largest project won by Qafqaz University in the framework of the European Union's TEMPUS Program.
According to Bulut, representatives of 5 European and 11 local universities are participating in this project. Bulut also mentioned that at the end of the project certified Testing Centers will be opened in numerous universities of Azerbaijan.
In the framework of the three-year project, which will be completed in October 2015, local specialists will visit the participating countries to gain experience and put it into practice in Azerbaijan, Bulut added.
Qafqaz University has been participating in EU projects since 2008, and currently their number is six. These projects have been instrumental for Qafqaz University in its international recognition and in bringing world experience to Azerbaijan.
The TEMPUS (Trans-European Mobility Program for University Studies) is the EU's program which supports the modernization of higher education in the EU's surrounding area. TEMPUS promotes institutional cooperation that involves the EU and partner countries and focuses on the reform and modernization of higher education systems in the partner countries of Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Western Balkans and the Mediterranean region.
Qafqaz University was founded in 1993. Following the independence of Azerbaijan Republic and the establishment of Qafqaz University Turkish businessmen began their voluntary contributions to the educational services of Qafqaz University through Cagh Educational Corp. Qafqaz University was the first and continues to be the only prominent and prestigious foreign private university in Azerbaijan.
The main goal of the university is to provide students with higher education that meets international standards and to play an active role in fostering excellence, cooperation, and interaction with international academic milieu.
Qafqaz University, which offers unique opportunities across a broad spectrum of academic, research and social environments, is the first and the only educational institution authorized by the Ministry of Education to have a "Distinguished Status" privilege in applying its own curriculum. The education system and programs of Turkish and Western universities are taken as a model in preparing the curriculums.
The university offers Bachelor, Master, Master of Sciences programs, MBA and doctoral programs.
According to the State Student Admission Commission, Qafqaz University was named the most preferred private university since 1996.
It is the leading competitor among the private universities in filling the student quota approved by Azerbaijan's Ministry of Education.
Qafqaz University is the first institution offering TOEFL IBT, the new generation TOEFL test, and has been awarded the Quality Management Certificate in Azerbaijan.

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