Qafqaz University students will represent Azerbaijan in the World Cup in Mexico

Student members of Center for Entrepreneurship Development and Research of Qafqaz University participated in the  Azerbaijan Entrepreneurship Competition (Enactus) with their business and social projects which took place among 13 universities of Azerbaijan at Monolit Hotel in Baku. Qafqaz University team became Azerbaijan champion and received the right to represent Azerbaijan in the World Entrepreneurship Championship which will take place in Mexico in September.
 Qafqaz University Enactus Team presented two social and two business projects. It project from Green Campus To Green Baku is targeted at reducing waste of paper at universities, and establishing a centralized paper recycling system. In the second phase of the project Qafqaz University students plan to negotiate with one of the local companies production of paper bags which will be offered at supermarkets in Baku as an alternative to plastic bags which are more hazardous to environment.
 Hand-In-Hand project which is managed by  Student members of Center for Entrepreneurship Development and Research of Qafqaz University intends to start small businesses with less income families who live close to the university. In addition to providing additional income for less income families, this project also intends to teach these families how to plan for small businesses and manage risks associated with small businesses.
 The two business projects presented by that Qafqaz University team has to do with helping two local companies to increase their market share and eventually to gain access to international markets. In these two business projects, Qafqaz University students have established marketing and supply chain strategies for new products of these companies and helped to establish e-commerce business for these companies. Detailed information about the business and social projects which presented at the competition may be found on the website of the Center for Entrepreneurship Development and Research of Qafqaz University

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