Azerbaijan National Competition Highlights

Azerbaijan National Competition Highlights

Qafqaz University named Enactus Azerbaijan National Champion

Quick Facts

  • National Champion:
    Qafqaz University
  • 2nd Place
    Academy of Public 
    Administration Under the
    President of The Republic
  • 3rd Place
    Nakhchivan State 
  • Competing Teams: 11
  • Total Attendees: 400
    Students: 208
    Faculty: 120
    Executives: 72
Baku, Azerbaijan – Qafqaz University was named the Enactus Azerbaijan 2013 National Champion during the one-day event held at the Monolit Plaza.
This year the Qafqaz University Enactus team logged more than 1,000 hours on their community outreach projects that reached approximately 100 people. The team’s winning projects included Green Campus To Green Baku, an effort that is reducing paper waste at universities through the development of a centralized paper recycling system. An ongoing project, the team also plans to negotiate with a local company to use the waste to produce paper bags that will be used as an alternative to plastic bags in supermarkets. They team also presented projects that focused on helping local companies increase their market share and gain access to international customers.
Rounding out the event were several key business leaders who provided keynote speeches, including Intigam Babayev, Vice Minister of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Azerbaijan; Mushfig Aliyev, KPMG Azerbaijan; and Kanan Jafarov, Deputy of General Manager of the Branch of Nobel Oil Ltd in the Republic Azerbaijan.
A special thanks to the media representatives from Regional TV, Azertach, Publika Az and Lent Az who covered the event, as well as this year’s sponors: Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Youth Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, AGBank OJSC, KPMG Azerbaijan, the Branch of Nobel Oil in the Republic of Azerbaijan, “Progress” Social and Economic Investigations Public Union.

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