Another study visit within the framework of Tempus IEMAST Project

28 June, 2012, As an part of EACEA IEMAST Industrial Engineering Master project study visit was carried out in UPC Spain. In study visit Nail Tahirov and Parviz Hasanov took participation from Qafqaz University Industrial Engineering Department and Uzeyir Baghirov from Qafqaz University PMO. Together with the workshops several practical visits were organized to Agricultural School of Manresa,  Ecologial Cavas Albet i Noya, LIVING LAB LOW3 - Master Module about Sustainable Architecture and Lifestyle etc. 
Also several seminar took place during the visit the subject covered are: Defining Learning Outcomes and Competencies, Environmental Management, Ecology and Sustainability Education and Transdiciplinarity Learning.
Uzeyir Baghirov

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