The 1st International Information Security Workshop Conlcuded its Work

The 1st International Information Security Workshop was hold by Qafqaz Universtiy, BM Technologies, BitDefender, Lancelot Institute and IEEE Computer Society Azerbaijan Chapter in 19-20 June 2012, at Qafqaz University. In the opening speech Assoc. Prof. Abzetdin Adamov (chairman of the committee) mentioned about dramatic influence of digital infrastucture to our daily lives and how it is important to be able to protect vital information and infrastructure, which became a complex challenge that has legal, business, political and technical ramification. In the welcome speech rector of Qafqaz university Prof. Dr. Ahmet Sanic and director of BM Technologies Elchin Zeynalov mentioned importance of information security in the cyber space. The main purpose of the workshop is to share knowledge gathered within the many years with the local and international participants. There were more than 130 participants from 40 different s private and public companies.
Internationally well known speakers - Tina Amper (Lancelot Institute), Ligia Adam və Catalin Cosoi (BitDefender) covered following chapter during the workshop:
• Introduction to Information Security
• SecurityThreats and Vulnerabilities
• Overview of Mobile Applications Security
• Introduction to Web Application Security Solutions and Best Practices
• Information Security in Cloud Computing
One of the local organizer BM Technologies has several successful projects on information security. It is the only local partner of International Antivirus Program BitDefender in Azerbaijan. Furthermore BM Technologies launched first antivirus in local language called B.A.K.U.  For the convenience of end-users this application has been developed to support three language interfaces: Azeri, Russian and English.
Qafqaz University also has deep interest in increasing of the public cyber security awareness and in fostering information security related research. Qafqaz University has become a active member of International Information Security Research Consortium (IISRC). It is also intended to include a new session on Information Security into the program of upcoming AICT2012 International Conference ( will be held this by Qafqaz University in Tbilisi, Georgia October 17-19.

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