Fikret Akcura, the Resident Coordinator of UN in Azerbaijan Republic visited Qafqaz University

On 12 May, the resident coordinator of UN in Azerbaijan Republic visited Qafqaz University. At the meeting, Ahmet Sanic, the rector of the University gave information about University activity. Fikret Akcura gave information about “the UN structure, its activities and programs”. Talking about the modern political processes occurring in the world Mr. Fikret Akcura noted that, UN attaches great importance to the preservation of stability and peace in the world. He said “through the dialogue, this international organization strives to find a fair solution to any problems occurred between the countries”. Talking about Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict Mr. Akcura stated that UN wants the conflict to be solved peacefully. Then, Mr. Akcura added that UN is very strongly interested in the development of education and organizes courses on human development.

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