The Chemical Engineering Laboratories Opened At Qafqaz University

         Within the framework of joint project of BP-Azerbaijan and Qafqaz University, the opening ceremony of the chemical engineering laboratories was held at Qafqaz University. Ahmet Sanic, the rector of Qafqaz University made a speech at the event and reminded that, for the establishment of laboratories, a Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between BP and Azerbaijan in 2009. Ahmet Sanic noted that, the chemistry laboratories are great investment which will support the economic development of Azerbaijan.
        The rector specially emphasized the necessity of the establishment of relations between education and industry and the importance of to develop these relations. Seymour Khalilov, the Vice President of Bp-Azerbaijan Company noted that there already 29 students working in the above mentioned laboratories and 3 of them are presidential scholars.
        Giving a little bit information about the activities of the BP, Seymour Khalilov noted that one of the main objectives of BP is to contribute the sustainable development of Azerbaijan. He also talked about the necessity of the establishment of relations between education and industry.
      Then, the deputy Minister of Education Mr. Elmar Qasimov said that, the establishment of the laboratories at Qafqaz University will play an important role in the development of chemical engineering. Hulusi Kilic, the ambassador of Turkey to Azerbaijan, Fattah Heydarov the Member of Parliament and others gave their thoughts on the subject.

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