Winners of the “UGUR” National Award are announced

The award was presented to 29 laureates.
On March 18 the annual “UGUR” National Award declared the name of those having achieved significant results within the passed year. There are public figures as well as state organizations and private companies among the laureates. It is noticeable, that the latter ones were represented by truly established financial institutions and national corporations with significant share of existence in the local market as well as the new players appearing in the business space of the country comparatively recently. 

Ibrahim Baharov, the Chairman of the Organizational Committee of the “UGUR-2010” Award commenting the laureates in the ceremony presentation held in Buta Palace said: "The award was presented to the flagmen of own sector i.e. organizations, companies and famous figures succeeding achievement of significant successes in own activity and making significant contribution to development of our country. Our laureates repeatedly demonstrate existence of significant potential in Azerbaijan promoting to the country actively develop in all directions."

UGUR National Award was constituted in 2000 by the Consulting&Business magazine acting as the advanced business publication dealing with the economic and legal matters as well as development of private entrepreneurship in the country. Consulting&Business being published since 1996 has become the most popular publication of economists, politicians, managers and businessmen of Azerbaijan.

Below is a list of companies and nominations.

Ministry of Culture & Tourism - For contribution to development of tourism

Ministry of Youth and Sport - For achievements gained in implementation of the youth and sport policy

Ziyad Samadzade - For contribution to development of economic legislation

Javanshir Feyziyev - For achievements gained in implementation of the State Program for social and economic development of regions 

Seaside Boulevard Administration - For contribution to protection of national heritage and unique flavour

Azercell Telekom - For exclusive contribution to development of telecommunication sector

Socar Petroleum - For achievements gained in activity of refueling stations

Bakcell - For successful business development strategy in telecommunications sector

AtaBank - For contribution to application of technologies in sector of plastic cards

AXA MBASK - For contribution to application of the international insurance experience in the Azerbaijani market

Matanat A - Invention of the year-FasNatural

Təmiz Şəhər - For contribution to improvement of ecological condition

AvroMed - For contribution to development of pharmacy

Caspian Technology Company - For achievements gained in sector of alternative power processing technologies

Gazelli International - National brand

Temp Companies Group - For contribution to construction of building complexes of various destination

Day.Az Radio - For contribution to development of Internet radio

MZ Production - For achievements gained in preparation of patriotic and intellectual TV-broadcasts

Nazim Mammadov - For contribution to propaganda of medical sciences and healthy life-style

Çağ Öyrətim İşlətmələri - For contribution to development of education

State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic,Social Development office, Educational and Certification Department, Educational and training Center - For achievements gained in application of the international standards in training and educational processes

Ultel - For achievements gained in application of Internet and other communication services

Modern Hospital - For contribution to development of medical services

Beauty Aesthetics - For achievements gained in sector of aesthetic medicine

Bahruz Galbinur - For contribution to development of cookery

Hind Klinikası - For significant achievement in rendering medical services

Ovçular - For contribution to manufacture of meat and sausage products

Meyvəli - For organizing the work of a wholesale center in compliance with the world standards

ZETRO Group - LED monitors and LED illumination

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