The 5th International Environment Project Olympiad INEPO-EURASIA 2011

300 000 Trees planted in Azerbaidjan

The 5th International Environment Project Olympiad INEPO-EURASIA 2011 was held in Baku on 6-10 April, 2011. 
The Olympiad was organized with support of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR), Ministry of Education, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, “Chag Ogretim Ishletmeleri” Company and INEPO EUROASIA Ecology Association. 
This year’s Olympiad was attended by 300 schoolchildren from 33 countries. 115 most interesting projects out of more than 400 projects presented in the Olympiad were selected to participate in the finals. 
The “Our Warm classroom” Project jointly prepared by the participants of SPARE-Azerbaijan participants, Young Ambassador Rufat Dargahli and Fidan Vagifgizi, were also introduced in the finals of the Olympiad. 
During Olympiad, 300 000 trees were planted in Azerbaijan.

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