Cooperation Protocol between Azerchemistry Production Association and Qafqaz University was signed

        On 27 April 2011, on the basis of monthly seminars project, Mukhtar Babayev, the general director of Azerchemistry Production Association visited Qafqaz University. On the subject of “the role of youth in the development strategy of Azerchemistry Production Association” he made a speech in front of the Qafqaz University students. After his reply to the questions of the students, a cooperation protocol between Azerchemistry Production Association and Qafqaz University was signed. After the signature ceremony, the guests were given commemorative plate. Also, Mukhtar Babayev, the Member of Parliament presented handmade memorial gifts to Ahmet Sanic, the rector of Qafqaz University prepared by the chemists of Azerchemistry Production Association.
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