VII. International Turkish Olympiads-Azerbaijan Final

This event was organized by the Ministry of Education, Ataturk Center, Cag Educational and Turkish Embassy in Azerbaijan and sponsored by ‘NIL’ and ‘USTOP’ stores and ‘ELIF’ Restaurant. The winners were awarded medals and money.
The winners of Azerbaijan Final are going to represent Azerbaijan in VII. International Turkish Olympiads in which 115 other countries will compete in the branches of the best song, the best poetry recital, the best folk dance performance.
Misir Merdanov, the

The president of Azerbaijani-Turkish High Schools Adem Onal said that nearly five thousand students competed in the competition and the winners were going to represent Azerbaijan in Turkey.
He also said that the great genius of Turkic World,Baxtiyar Vahapzade attached great importance to Turkish Olympiads. He quoted Vahapzade, ”Our language is our identity.If we don’t have a language, we don’t have a nation.”

The Turkish Ambassador to Azerbaijan Hulusi Kilic said, ”it is of great importance that events like this happen all the time for the improvement of our language.”