Toefl Ibt Courses at Qafqaz University ( February 14- May 17 )

Qafqaz University offers TOEFL IBT preparation courses for students who have a good upper-intermediate level of English. Goal-oriented students with great enthusiasm are welcome to join.
Courses are taught by highly experienced friendly teachers who have been preparing the students for international exams.
Classes are fully equipped with advanced technological devices including data projector, audio system supported by a computer.
Course students are provided with extensive and supplementary electronic resources in addition to photocopies.
Courses will begin on the 14th of February and will last for three months. Courses will be held twice a week. Weekend and weekday programs will be offered. Each class will last for about two hours (120 minutes).
Registrations will be held at Qafqaz University in the second building in room: 202. Further detailed information can be obtained from Aziz Chankaya. Cell phone number: 0505869157, Stanıslav Zagorodniyev: 0556165765 or university phone: 4482862
Course fee: 250 manat for three months. Payments must be made in advance.
Candidates are required to take an upper-intermediate level test before they are accepted for the TOEFL courses.
Early registration date: from 19 January till February 12.
Course orientation program: February 14
Placement pre-TOEFL test: February 15
Successful students who have been enrolled to TOEFL IBT courses with the expected level and who regularly attend the courses will be awarded with a certificate of attendance.
To be able to get a certificate of attendance, course students must not miss more than five classes.

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