The talented students of Qafqaz University were distinguished in the Azercell Telecom’s 2010 Report Journal of Azeri-mobile

By an order of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, the highest scholarship appointed to the 102 youngest for 2009-2010 academic year who demonstrated the highest results in entrance exam. One of these students is Rashid Ramazanov who trained in Azercell. Rashid Alizade is one of the winners of the DE competition organized by Azercell Telecom LLC in 2005 and continued his post-secondary education by the financial support of the Company. The detailed information about him was provided in our last issues. This year, the student of Qafqaz University Rashid Ramazanov’s success continues. It should be noted that, from 102 young people 29 men are the student of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 25 are the students of the Azerbaijan Medical University, 18 are the student of Baku State University, 12 people are the student of Qafqaz University, 9 people are the student of Azerbaijan State Oil Academy, 6 people are the student of Azerbaijan State Economic University, 2 people are the student of Khazar University and one people is the student of Nakhchivan State University.

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