First IEEE Seminar in Azerbaijan :"IEEE Member Benefits and Opportunities"

First IEEE Seminar in Azerbaijan
"IEEE Member Benefits and Opportunities"
26 January 2011 (10:00 - 12:30), Qafqaz University
Baku, Azerbaijan
Seminar program:
  • Cocktail [10:00 - 10:30]
  • IEEE - the Organization by Statistics
  • IEEE Member Benefits and Opportunities
  • Special Interest Memberships - IEEE Societies
  • Quick-Start Your IEEE Membership
  • Distribution of Promotion Matherials
NOTE: To participate, please fill in the SUBSCRIPTION form below (to begin axpand it):

IEEE is the world's largest professional association advancing technology for the benefit of humanity

IEEE is the world's largest professional association advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE publishs technical journals, sponsor conferences, develop technology standards, and support the professional interests of more than 400,000 members. IEEE creates an environment where members collaborate on world-changing technologies - from computing and sustainable energy systems, to aerospace, communications, robotics and healthcare - to engineer a better tomorrow. IEEE is a leading authority in technical areas ranging from computer engineering, biomedical technology and telecommunications, to electric power, aerospace and consumer electronics, among others. IEEE is a non-profit technical professional association in 170 countries worldwide.
This volunteer-driven organization:
  • is a resource for engineers, researchers, and scientists, and a catalyst for technological innovation
  • provides educational resources
  • furnishes career guidance
  • hosts local activities of technical, professional, educational and social nature
  • is a leader in standards development

Abzetdin Adamov, Ph.D
Qafqaz University
Baku, Azerbaijan
 +99450 6870571
 +99412 4472768
 aadamov [at] 

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