First IEEE Seminar in Azerbaijan :"IEEE Member Benefits and Opportunities"

First IEEE Seminar in Azerbaijan
"IEEE Member Benefits and Opportunities"
26 January 2011 (10:00 - 12:30), Qafqaz University
Baku, Azerbaijan
Seminar program: "IEEE Member Benefits and Opportunities"
26 January 2011 (10:00 - 12:30), Qafqaz University
Baku, Azerbaijan
- Cocktail [10:00 - 10:30]
- IEEE - the Organization by Statistics
- IEEE Member Benefits and Opportunities
- Special Interest Memberships - IEEE Societies
- Quick-Start Your IEEE Membership
- Distribution of Promotion Matherials
IEEE is the world's largest professional association advancing technology for the benefit of humanity

This volunteer-driven organization:
- is a resource for engineers, researchers, and scientists, and a catalyst for technological innovation
- provides educational resources
- furnishes career guidance
- hosts local activities of technical, professional, educational and social nature
- is a leader in standards development
Abzetdin Adamov, Ph.D
Qafqaz University
Baku, Azerbaijan
+99450 6870571
+99412 4472768
aadamov [at]
Qafqaz University
Baku, Azerbaijan