International seminar in Qafqaz University

Graduates in ‘the Caucasus and Middle Asia Studies’ department from the universities in Germany(DAAD) held a seminar on ‘the resolution of ethnic and territorial conflicts and the ways of transformation, the perspectives of maintaining lasting peace in the region’ at Qafqaz University on March 26.The conference, along with many issues, has also the Mountainous Karabagh problem on its agenda and it will end on 1 April.
Professor Ahmet Sanic, the rector of Qafqaz University, said that the conference had a tremendous effect on preventing international crises and finding ways of sorting out conflicts and in this respect, the Caucasus and the Middle East was by no means an exception. He said, ‘we decided to hold this conference so that we all can share ideas and experiences, which , I am sure will contribute to our realization of the necessity of finding peaceful solutions to ethnic, territorial and other conflicts in this region. This conference, which was organized by the cooperation of the University of Bonn, Qafqaz University and the Azerbaijanian Youth’s Euro-Atlantic Organization, aims to serve to aforementioned ends.’
Halis Koyuncuoglu, Turkey’s Education Attache, said that young specialists working for various international organizations came together and were discussing the current problems in the region and some of the agenda were finding peaceful solutions to conflicts, transformation and dialogue between civilizations and creating mutual trust between the peoples of the region.

Eva Auch, a professor from Germany, said that young specialists and other participants visited the towns of Agdam and Fizuli, which suffered heavy casualties during Armenian invasion, and talked to officials from ATET, BMT and other representatives. She said that this conference was the first time graduates of DAAD were involved in discussing current controversies in the region, creating dialogue and trust between civilizations.

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