Information about education and exams in Qafqaz University
Information about education and exams in Qafqaz University
Education ProgramsEducation programs are prepared by the Scientific Council in consultation with the departments and with proposals from the faculty committees and they are in accordance with the main program that is implemented by the Ministry of Education.
The related department makes sure that the programs are followed.
Students have to attend the classes and other activities. It is compulsory for students to attend 70 percent of classes and classroom activities and 80 percent of laboratory practices, projects and the activities that are done outside the classroom and similar exam-like activities. Students who exceed these limits for a particular course fail it.
ECTS Credit Limits
The amount of credits a student can take in a semester is 30 ECTS credits.This amount can be raised to 45 with the proposal of the supervisor and the approval of the head of the department.
Enrolling in Courses from the next year’s schedule
A student can enroll in courses from the next year’s schedule in every semester except for the first, second and the third semesters and on the condition that they cannot exceed the credit limit specified by these regulations.
Summer School
A summer school can be organized if need be.Summer school guidelines are laid down in another regulations book.
Enrolling in courses from another department
After enrolling in all the courses of your department, you can enroll in courses from another department with the approval of your supervisor and on the condition that you cannot exceed the ECTS credit limit.
To assess a student’s performance, grades they get from assignments, visa exams,final exams and make up exams are taken into consideration.How students sit these exams(written,tests,oral,written-oral,practices) is announced at the beginning of the semester by the department based on the suggestion of the related teacher.
The exam dates and places are determined and announced by heads of departments 10 (ten) days beforehand.Fifth year students who have failed in two or less courses after the final and make-up exams can be given the right to sit for an additional exam by the Faculty Administrative Board.These students have to pay for this additional exam..
Conditions for sitting the final exams
Students have to fulfil the following conditions in order to be able to sit their final exams.
a. to have attended the classes in accordance with the attendance limit(article 13)
b. to have paid their tuition fees
The teacher who teaches the course gives the exam to students and when he or she is on leave, a teacher appointed by the head of the department does it.Every exam session has to be attended by at least one teacher.The duration of an exam session cannot exceed the duration of 2(two) class hours.
Any student who cheated or attemted to cheat or helped to cheat or is noticed to have cheated while the teacher is marking the exam papers gets 0(zero) from that exam and becomes the subject of a disciplinary investigation.
Announcement of Exam Results
Exam results are announced by the teacher who has given the exam in the Student Information System within 5(five) workdays.The list of exam results have to be handed in to the head of department signed by the teacher after the make-up exam at the latest.
Objection to exam results
A student can object to exam results on the basis of errors of fact by writing a request to the head of the department within 7(seven) days after the results have been announced.The request is looked into by the head of the department or a commission appointed by him and the result is announced within 7(seven)days at the latest.
Excuse Exams
Students who have failed to take the visa exam of a course because of sickness,the death of a close relative,fire,natural disasters are given the right to take it(within 1 (one) month at the latest after the visa exam date).This is not possible for final and make-up exams.If anything extraordinary happens during the period which covers final and make-up exam dates, the student can be given the right to take these exams by the decision of the Faculty Administrative Board. The documents which prove that these extraordinary things have actually taken place should be presented to the head of the department within 3(three) days after these situations have ended.
Repeating a course
Students have to repeat the courses they have failed in the first place.Only after they have enrolled in the failed courses again can they enrol in the courses of the next semester’s courses on the condition that they cannot exceed the credit limit(Article 14).
Students who have failed from courses that are closely related to other courses from the following semesters cannot enrol in the latter without first repeating and passing the former.The list of these consecutive courses are announced at the beginning of each semester by departments.The repeated courses which require compulsory attendance are determined, with suggestions from departments, by the Faculty Administrative Board
Calculation of Passing Grades
Grades from visa and final exams and practices are put together in different percentages and the passing grades are calculated numerically out of a 100.
The calculation of passing grades is done according to the percentages in the table below.

A. Compulsory Activity-CA (20%)
These are seminars,assignments,homework,analysis of a certain case,projects etc.
a) How compulsory activities are integrated into course subjects are determined on suggestions from the teacher of the course subject and the head of the depertment by the Faculty Administrative Board and announced at the beginning of the semesters.
b) Students of elective courses are assigned compulsory activity ‘homework’ and students who have to attend classes are given ‘attendance points’.For example;a student with no hours of absence from classes(0 hours in the table below) gets 10 points.

B. Visa Exam-(VE) (%30)
Students take these exams at midterm.One has to have fulfilled his financial responsibility towards the University in order to take the exam.
C. Final Exam (FE) (%50)
A student has to get at least 50 points from the final exam. One has to have fulfilled his financial responsibility towards the University in order to take the exam.
D. Passing Grade:
Passing grade is the sum of compulsory activity,visa and final exam grades.It has to be at least 50.The method of passing grade calculation for language courses in 1. and 2. semesters is explained in the Language Teaching and Exam Regulations.
E. Voluntary Semester Activity (VSA)
A student can do VSA if he or she wills. A student chooses a VSA in consultation with his or her teacher at the beginning of the semester.This can be a seminar,homework,a case study,a project,etc. Quizzes can’t be thought of as VSA. One doesn’t need to have paid his tuition fee fully in order to do VSA.
Belirli bir oranda ve doğrudan ilgili dersin başarı notuna aşağıdaki şekilde etki yapar:

The final passing grade is obtained by adding the contribution from VSA to the Passing Grade.
G. Points to pay attention to
1. The grade obtained from an excuse exam is regarded as the final passing grade.
2. Faculty Administrative Boards coordinate the assignment of VSAs to avoid concentration in certain areas.
a. Students who take part in the social activities organized by Health,Culture and Sports Office(HCSO) are given the right to use their club activities as their VSA for only one course in a semester.The official request form with the evaluation of the student out of 10 and signed by the Club supervisor,Cultural Director and the head of HCSO sould be presented to the teacher of the course before the final exams of the semester.The teacher takes this into account as the the student’s VSA grade.
b. Students who are preparing for science olympiads and project competitions again have the right to use these activities as their VSA for only one course in a semester. The request form bears the evaluation of the student out of 10 by his supervisor,Faculty Olympiad Representative and the president of the University Olympiad Committee and is signed by them.The request should indicate the name of the course the students wants his VSA to be added to.
c. Request forms should be presented to the teacher before the final exams. The teacher takes this into account as the the student’s VSA grade.
An example of the calculation of passing grade

Exam papers are kept for 2(two) years by departments and then sent to the Archive.
Article 2. Internship
Internship programs are run in parallel with the educational program of each department.
Article 3. Graduation Thesis
A student has to write a graduation thesis and defend it before the Thesis Defense Committee in order to graduate. The standards for a thesis and its defense are laid down by other guidelines.Graduation thesis is defined as a course subject in 9. and 10. semesters in educational programs but topics for a graduation thesis can be assigned to students in the previous semesters if conditions specified in the guidelines are fulfilled.
Article 4. Weighted Average and Diploma Average
Grades earned from courses are multiplied by their class hours coefficients and the results are summed and a total result is obtained .This total result is divided by the sum of the coefficients of all courses and what you get is the weighted average.
Magna cum laude diplomas are awarded according to the criteria set by the Ministry of Education.

Students who completed their education successfully are awarded the standard diploma of the Ministry of Education and Appendages to a diploma designated by the Ministry of Education and the diploma translated into ECTS are also awarded.
A Graduation Document is given to the student to be returned when their diploma is ready.
Article 6. Student Initiated Suspension of Courses
Students who wish to temporarily suspend enrolment in their courses need to complete the related form and submit it to the Admissions Office.Admissions Office forwards the application with a report to the student’s department/Coordinating Unit for Language Teaching.The related department completes the student’s file and submits it to the Vice Rector in charge of educational affairs.The pocess is finalized with the order from the Rector.
Students can suspend their education in the following circumstances.
a. for military duty
b. for reasons of ill-health documented by a health report obtained from a medical commission
c. for education abroad with permission from the Ministry of Education
d. Female students and the male students who did their military duties can suspend their education for 1 year at the most if their excuse is deemed appropriate by the Administrative Board.
e. No restriction can be imposed on the students with excuses specified in the clauses a,b and c above.
f. The suspending student at the end of graduation period is automatically regarded to have enrolled in courses.
Article 7. Student Remission
Students who wish to be pardoned and accepted as a student into the university need to complete the related form and submit it to the Admissions Office.Admissions Office forwards the application with a report to the student’s department/Coordinating Unit for Language Teaching.The related department completes the student’s file and submits it to the Vice Rector in charge of educational affairs.The pocess is finalized with the order from the Rector.
The students who were divested of student status for reasons other than disciplinary are not given student status again until the beginning of the next semester and the students who were expelled from the university for disciplinary reasons are given the student status only for once at least 1 year after their expulsion.
Article 8. Additional Conditions for the First and Second Semesters
Students take language classes in the first and second semesters if their language level is not sufficient.The standards for language education are laid down in another guideline booklet.
Article 9. Transfers
Students who wish to transfer to another department need to complete the related form and submit it to the Admissions Office.Admissions Office forwards the application with a report to the student’s department/Coordinating Unit for Language Teaching.The related department completes the student’s file and submits it to the Vice Rector in charge of educational affairs.The pocess is finalized with the order from the Rector.
Transfers are carried out in accordance the related laws and regulations.
Article 10. Dropping Out
Students who wish to drop out need to complete the related form and submit it to the Admissions Office.Admissions Office forwards the application with a report to the student’s department/Coordinating Unit for Language Teaching.The related department completes the student’s file and submits it to the Vice Rector in charge of educational affairs.The pocess is finalized with the order from the Rector.
The student status is cancelled in the following circumstances
a. when a student transfers to another university
b. when a student is expelled from the university for disciplinary reasons
c. of a student’s own accord
ç. when a student contracts a contagious disease
d. when a student fails to pay his or her tuition fee
e. when it is certain that he or she can’t graduate in the allotted time.
f. when a student doesn’t enrol in classes for two successive semesters.
Article 1. These regulations take effect as soon as they are approved by the University Senate.
Students who wish to temporarily suspend enrolment in their courses need to complete the related form and submit it to the Admissions Office.Admissions Office forwards the application with a report to the student’s department/Coordinating Unit for Language Teaching.The related department completes the student’s file and submits it to the Vice Rector in charge of educational affairs.The pocess is finalized with the order from the Rector.
Students can suspend their education in the following circumstances.
a. for military duty
b. for reasons of ill-health documented by a health report obtained from a medical commission
c. for education abroad with permission from the Ministry of Education
d. Female students and the male students who did their military duties can suspend their education for 1 year at the most if their excuse is deemed appropriate by the Administrative Board.
e. No restriction can be imposed on the students with excuses specified in the clauses a,b and c above.
f. The suspending student at the end of graduation period is automatically regarded to have enrolled in courses.
Article 7. Student Remission
Students who wish to be pardoned and accepted as a student into the university need to complete the related form and submit it to the Admissions Office.Admissions Office forwards the application with a report to the student’s department/Coordinating Unit for Language Teaching.The related department completes the student’s file and submits it to the Vice Rector in charge of educational affairs.The pocess is finalized with the order from the Rector.
The students who were divested of student status for reasons other than disciplinary are not given student status again until the beginning of the next semester and the students who were expelled from the university for disciplinary reasons are given the student status only for once at least 1 year after their expulsion.
Article 8. Additional Conditions for the First and Second Semesters
Students take language classes in the first and second semesters if their language level is not sufficient.The standards for language education are laid down in another guideline booklet.
Article 9. Transfers
Students who wish to transfer to another department need to complete the related form and submit it to the Admissions Office.Admissions Office forwards the application with a report to the student’s department/Coordinating Unit for Language Teaching.The related department completes the student’s file and submits it to the Vice Rector in charge of educational affairs.The pocess is finalized with the order from the Rector.
Transfers are carried out in accordance the related laws and regulations.
Article 10. Dropping Out
Students who wish to drop out need to complete the related form and submit it to the Admissions Office.Admissions Office forwards the application with a report to the student’s department/Coordinating Unit for Language Teaching.The related department completes the student’s file and submits it to the Vice Rector in charge of educational affairs.The pocess is finalized with the order from the Rector.
The student status is cancelled in the following circumstances
a. when a student transfers to another university
b. when a student is expelled from the university for disciplinary reasons
c. of a student’s own accord
ç. when a student contracts a contagious disease
d. when a student fails to pay his or her tuition fee
e. when it is certain that he or she can’t graduate in the allotted time.
f. when a student doesn’t enrol in classes for two successive semesters.
Article 1. These regulations take effect as soon as they are approved by the University Senate.
Article 2. The Rector enforces these regulations.