Winners of Turkish Olympics Announced-VİDEO

(Ebru News/ Nurettin Altundeger) It was a wonderful night for those who wanted to catch the finale of the Turkish Olympics which took place at the Istanbul Exhibition Center with the participation of more than 500 students from 110 countries.The Center was filled with thousands in the audience along with dignitaries, including the speaker of the Parliament, Koksal Toptan, State Minister Mehmet Simsek, Education Minister Huseyin Celik, Istanbul Governor Muammer Guler, parliamentarians, members of political parties and many others representing varieties of national institutions and private organizations.Hosted by Samanyolu news anchor Kemal Gulen and Ebru Gediz, the night started with the singing of the Turkish national anthem.During the competition, students from all around the world displayed their abilities in Turkish with songs, poems and Turkish folklore dances.In their speeches, the dignitaries indicated that the Turkish Olympics and events like these will contribute to global peace by bringing different nationalities and cultures together.The Olympic chorus moved the audience with the song "We are the Children of World, same branch of a tree, embracing the universe, living in peace together."The winners of the Olympic were determined by SMS and announced by the famous Turkish Soccer Hero, nicknamed The King, Hakan Sukur.He paid a tribute for those who have contributed to the event, especially the ones who have traveled all around the world and established schools there.The first prize went to Hatice Alizade from Azerbaijan. Turkmen student Abadan Halmedova received the second place and the Tajik student Suman Kurbanova became the third in the Song category.Although there were three winners in the competition, each student received more than 500 Dollars as gift from Turkish entrepreneurs and Olympiad committee.The night ended with a song sang by everyone that took part in the competition accompanied by the audience.

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