Erdogan Addresses Turkish Language Olympics

(Ebru news)One of the surprises seen at the 6th International Turkish Language Olympics awards ceremony was that the KARAMANOGLU MEHMET award was given to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Karamanoglu was renowned for declaring Turkish the official language of the state and all its institutions fist time in history in 1277.Prime Minister Erdogan who could not attend the gala due to a meeting that went until midnight, delivered a speech that was broadcast at the awards ceremony.Recep Tayyip Erdogan".. Thanks to this competition which strengthened the friendships and prepared grounding for new friendships Turkish language is turning into a bridge of languages approximating civilizations and cultures to each others."Erdogan underlined that the differences between civilizations cannot be a reason for clashes noted that dialog project should be supported in order to overcome the issues in the world.Recep Tayyip Erdogan:"What lies behind the clashes, wars and disagreements is the lack of dialog, the lack of love, and the lack of empathy."

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