Top Universities in Azerbaijan

 Qafqaz University is the highest ranked university in the country according to the Webometrics ranking of Top Colleges and Best Universities of Azerbaijan in 2010, followed by Khazar University in second place nationally.

Qafqaz University was the first and is the only foreign private university in Azerbaijan. It was founded in 1993 with the decree of Azerbaijani National Assembly and the approval of Council of Ministers. The university is the first and the only educational institution authorized by the Azerbaijani Ministry of Education to have a ‘Distinguished Status’ in applying its own curriculum. Qafqaz University is placed 1st among the private universities in filling the student quota given by the Azerbaijani Ministry of Education.

Khazar University is another top leading university in the country. It is the first University in Azerbaijan where the main language of instruction is English. It is also one of the leading universities in Azerbaijan in terms its relations with industry. The University has established effective relations with the leading local and international companies.

List of universities in Azerbaijan:

  • Azerbaijan State Oil Academy
  • Azerbaijan State Economic University
  • Azerbaijan State Marine Academy
  • Academy of Public Administration (Azerbaijan)
  • Azerbaijan Technical University
  • Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University
  • Azerbaijan Medical University
  • Azerbaijan University of Languages
  • Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts
  • Baku Slavic University
  • Baku State University
  • Baku Academy of Music
  • Baku Eurasian University
  • Ganja State University
  • Khazar University
  • Lankaran State University
  • Mingachevir Polytechnic Institute
  • Nakhchivan State University
  • Odlar Yurdu University
  • Qafqaz University
  • Sumqayit State University
  • Western University
* Suggested Reading: QS Asian University Rankings 2010

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