The 2009 Azeri Business Award Presentation Ceremony for winners was held at Buta Palace, Baku.

Baku – APA-Economics. The 2009 Azeri Business Award Presentation Ceremony for winners was held at Buta Palace, Baku.
[ 22 Feb 2010 14:00 ]
Azeri Business Award establishes a new image of national business and propagates the new standards of business ethics by showing the best companies of the year as samples. Azeri Business Award is founded by Business Time journal, one of the famous business journals in Azerbaijan.Azeri Business Award is presented to the best participants of national business, establishing its new image every year. The major factor in identification of the winner is the candidate’s speed in business growth. The winner is identified in two categories: individual and corporative.

As per the rules of the Prize, before the commencement of the ceremony, the winners’ exhibition was held at the foyer of the Palace.

After the exhibition, the presentation cer
emony was held. Turkish and Kazakh ambassadors to Azerbaijan, the representatives of famous business spheres were amongst the guests of the ceremony.

Winners of the Award for 2009:

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