Azerbaijan - GOV - Azerbaijan to Host an International ICT Conference

The 3rd International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT2009) will be held in Baku on the October 14-16, 2009.

The conference invites high-quality recent research results in the areas of Information and Communication ICT in Emergency services and disaster recovery, ICT in Education and businesses, ICT in Research, ICT in security, ICT in Health care services and bio-informatics, Home and Health networking, ICT in governments, Electronic commerce, Mobility and Mobile Payments, Broadband access, satellite services, rural communications, Mobile and Wireless Communications, optical communications and networking, architectures, protocols, planning and design, ICT in management and modeling, analysis, simulation and performance evaluation and test results. The main goal of the conference is to bring together scientists and engineers who work and teach in these specialized fields to submit recent papers and come together in this geographical location.

AICT2009 is co-organized by Ministry of Communication and Information Technologies of Azerbaijan and Universities in Azerbaijan, Qafqaz University and in co-operation with Azerbaijan Technical University and in co-operation with IEEE ComSoc Turkey Chapter and Uzbekistan IEEE Regional Chapter.

AICT2009 brings researchers from similar disciplines to identify new research and educational opportunities and challenges.

AICT2009 seeks to address and capture highly innovative and state of the art research and work in the field of ICT and INTERNET industries. The scope of the conference includes a wide range of technical challenges in view of the growing interest for wireless access to Internet and the evolution of third and fourth generation cellular systems.

The Authors can present their finding on wired and wireless quality of service, resource management, Ad Hoc and sensor networks. Radio interface design, adaptive antennas and arrays and indoor propagation, measurement and predictions also will be considered. A growing number of digital devices inside homes and the application of Ultra Wide Band (UWB), as well as Spectrum efficiency and low power consumption including low cost and secure wireless personal access are some of the areas to be considered in this conference. Optical communications networks are becoming increasingly important as the demand for high capacity links are required.

Dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) is widely deployed at the core networks to accommodate high capacity transport systems. Optical components, such as optical amplifier, tunable filters, transceivers, termination devices and add-drop multi-plexers are becoming more affordable and reliable. Access and metropolitan area networks are increasingly built with optical technologies to overcome the electronic bottleneck at network edges. New components and subsystems for high-speed optical networks offer new design options. The objective of this event is therefore to foster the exchange of information among researchers in this fast-moving field. The authors can present their finding on all aspects of ICT including systems and communications technologies on new Fibers, optical fiber gratings and devices, optical amplifiers, optical sensing and medical application of fiber optics and Opto-electronics and microwave over optics. AICT will take place annually and one of its purpose is to promote educational and research cooperation between participants from universities and many other member institutions involve in the field of information and communication technologies. AICT2009 Accepted papers for publication include Engineering Index (EI) and EI Compendex and IEEE Explore TM.

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