“From ever growing family of Qafqaz to the world” 2011 graduation evening was held at Qafqaz University

08 June, 2011
“Qafqaz University is the national leader Heydar Aliyev's work. To bring the Turkish University model to Azerbaijan, in 1993, that honorable person gave a push to this university to start its activity – these words was said by Ahmet Sanic, the rector of Qafqaz University at the 14th graduation evening 2010-2011 of Qafqaz University called from ever growing family of Qafqaz to the world”. He said; I am proud of that to be a world university, fast-growing Qafqaz University has youth working and studying in 45 different countries. Then, the rector gave his best wishes to the teachers and parents.
Then the floor was given to Elmar Gasimov, the Deputy Minister of Education. He expressed his gratitude to the professor and teacher staff of the University and said "I believe that this educational institution has left unforgettable traces in your life. Do not forget your university which part of the world you go. Enver Ozeren, the president of Cag Educational Company said that he always receives good news form the institutions where Qafqaz University graduators work and he wished to this year’s graduators to be well-informed, modern and useful for humanity. It should be noted that this year, from Qafqaz University 106 students from Engineering faculty, 14 from Law faculty, 150 from Economics, 170 from Pedagogical faculty and 70 from master  and totally 510 students are going to be graduated.
Traditionally, a memorial gift and a message of thanks was give to highest ranking student of the department of Qafqaz University and a memorial plaque was given to the highest ranking student of faculty. Meanwhile, a memorial gift was given to students who differentiated in 2010-2011 academic years’ international and republican Olympics. Later, the artistic part of the event has taken place.

Recep Rzayev

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