Arif Pashayev was awarded as a "scientist of the year” by Qafqaz University

11 June, 2011
According to the survey carried out among the teachers and students of Qafqaz University Arif Pashayev, the rector of the National Aviation Academy (NAA) was awarded to the honorary title of the scientist of the year. In this connection, yesterday the award presentation ceremony was held at the Scientific Council of the NAA. At the event, Arif Pashayev said that, in recent years the quality of education and science at NAA has been significantly increased. He said that, at the Academy 350 teachers are working and however 2100 students are studying. , students are studying in 2100. Academic specially stressed that, thanks to the support of President Ilham Aliyev new equipments which led to increase the quality of education has been bought. Today at the Academy together with the specialty of aviation law, economics, logistics and other professions are taught as well. The Academy works closely with the world's most prestigious higher education institutions and carries out joint projects. Then Ahmet Sanic, the rector of the Qafqaz University spoke about international relations and the scientific activity of university. Professor appreciated the work done at the NAA, noted that firstly by help of A. Pashayev a great importance to the development of science is implemented at this Academy. Then Ahmet Sanic, the rector of the Qafqaz University presented the award of the scientist of the year to A. Pashayev and noted that this award was given him for his service in the development of education and science. Academic thanked to the rector of Qafqaz University and its staff and said that he accepted this award as an appraisal given to the work of Academy collectivity.
Within the framework of the meeting a protocol on scientific and technical cooperation was signed between NAA and Qafqaz University. The document includes joint projects between the two institutions and to carry out scientific research work, training courses and conferences.


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