Qafqaz University hosted a conference with world known experts on tourism management

30 March, 2012
Qafqaz Business Forum participants and students of the faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty participated in a conference named “Advertising – reality and perspectives. Modern view on advertising and marketing”. The conference was organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan and was opened at Hilton hotel in Baku.  
The second day of the conference was divided into two master class sessions, one held at Hilton hotel and the second one at Qafqaz University. The speakers of the conference included international experts and practitioners of tourism and advertising. They included – professor Ernie Heath from Pretoria University of South Africa, professor Ahmed Aktash from Akdeniz University and Dr. Selim Ozdemir from Yalova University.
At the beginning of the conference Qafqaz Business Forum coordinator Adiljan Abdurazzak introduced the speakers to conference participants. It was mentioned that professor Ernie Heath’s professional background include working as a Deputy Executive Director of South African Tourism, serving at the World Tourism Organization’s Education Council  and teaching tourism management in many countries in Europe and South Africa. It was also mentioned that professor Aktash and Dr. Ozdemir have rich experience on tourism management both in the academic and business sectors.

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